Radio • Track EPKs
When You Return
Released 24 Nov 2023
Once again we have teamed up with lyricist Jude Meritus from the UK. This 3rd single from the latest Jonny & the Jazzuits album Songs of Deliverance includes a music video filmed in Jerusalem in June 2023. Little did we know how the situation would change in Israel. Surely Christ’s return cannot be that far away. He is the only hope to bring righteousness and justice to this broken world.
"Be on guard! Be alert! You do not know when that time will come."
- Mark 13:33 (NIV)
Click 'Track EPK' for 'one-sheet', audio files, and more!

Standing on the Promises (Medley)
Released 11 Aug 2023
Such a joy to have teamed up with Amy Perry from the world-renowned American gospel group Selah on this first single from the forthcoming Jonny & the Jazzuits album Songs of Deliverance. Enjoy this energetic proclamation of truth! "For all the promises of God in Him [Jesus] are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us." - 2 Corinthians 1:20 NKJV
Click 'Track EPK' for 'one-sheet', audio files, and more!

I Can See Clearly Now
Released 17 Mar 2023
As prelude to the forthcoming Songs of Deliverance album coming in the Autumn, jazz gospel group Jonny & the Jazzuits bring a jazzified version of the classic I Can See Clearly Now. In these trying times there is a hope and anchor for the soul to encourage us. Let us continue to "look unto
Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith" - Hebrews 12:2a NKJV
Click 'Track EPK' for 'one-sheet', audio files, and more!

Take Salvation's Way
Released 4 Nov 2022
Jazz gospel group Jonny & the Jazzuits have once again teamed up with
multi-award-winning lyricist and author Jude Meritus on this latest single Take Salvation's Way. The call to follow Jesus is clearly given in this evangelical invitation. May this song trigger many to "Seek the LORD while He may be found, Call upon Him while He is near." - Isaiah 55:6 NKJV
Click 'Track EPK' for 'one-sheet', audio files, and more!

What You Live For
Released 7 Jan 2022
Jazz gospel group Jonny & the Jazzuits bring their 3rd single from the
recently released Good Medicine EP. This original penned by Jonny
Boston asks that all-important question, "Will you tell me what you live for?" We each have to ask that challenging question to ourselves.
Click 'Track EPK' for 'one-sheet', audio files, and more!

Little Drummer Boy
Released 24 Sep 2021
Jazz gospel group Jonny & the Jazzuits bring out a jazzified Christmas song during Feast of Tabernacles! Could it be that Jesus was actually born during this biblical feast? Enjoy our take on the classic song.
Click 'Track EPK' for 'one-sheet', audio files, and more!

There Must Be An Angel
Released 27 Aug 2021
Jazz gospel group Jonny & the Jazzuits bring their 2nd single from the
recently released Good Medicine EP. This classic Eurythmics song played
an important part in Jonny's faith journey! Enjoy their fresh version along
with guest guitarist Elisa Krijgsman.
Click 'Track EPK' for 'one-sheet', audio files, and more!

Good Medicine EP
Released 18 Jun 2021
Jazz gospel group Jonny & the Jazzuits bring an encouraging new cheerful set of songs! The title track Good Medicine is based on Proverbs 17:22 "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a
crushed spirit dries up the bones."
The band performed all 6 tracks during a successful Release
Party Online on July 3rd to promote the release of this EP.
Click 'EP EPK' for 'one-sheet', audio files, and more!

Good Medicine [single]
Released 18 Jun 2021
Jazz gospel group Jonny & the Jazzuits bring an encouraging new cheerful jazz original to you! It's based on Proverbs 17:22 "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." This title track, as single, is the forerunner to the forthcoming Good Medicine EP coming out in August 2021 which includes a Release Party Online on July 3rd to promote the release of the EP!
Click 'Track EPK' for 'one-sheet', audio files, and more!

Released 7 May 2021
Jazz gospel group Jonny & the Jazzuits bring an encouraging new jazz original to you! It's based on Philippians 4, and chiefly verse 13 where Paul says, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." May it be an encouragement to the listeners that in whatever situation they're in they too can do all things through Jesus!
Click 'Track EPK' for 'one-sheet', audio files, and more!

I Can Do All Things
Released 26 Mar 2021
Jonny Boston Quartet bring their 2nd release in 2021 with a smooth swing take on the classic song written by Jerome Kern & Dorothy Fields, and first recorded by Fred Astaire & Ginger Rodgers in 1936. Each band member shows his proficiency as they glide through the track.
Enjoy this modern take on an old classic!
Click 'Track EPK' for 'one-sheet', audio files, and more!

Pick Yourself Up

Released 5 Mar 2021
Jazz gospel group Jonny & the Jazzuits bring a thought-provoking medium tempo jazz original to the world. It's based on the bible story in John, chapter 3, where Nicodemis comes to Jesus at night to secretly inquire about being born again! It;s our prayer that many will hear this song and inquire of the Lord themselves too!
Click 'Track EPK' for 'one-sheet', audio files, and more!

Live Forever
Released 29 Jan 2021
Jonny Boston Quartet leaps into 2021 with their lively brisk take on the instrumental classic written by the great Lester Young, and first recorded by Count Basie & the Kansas City 7 in 1939. Each band member gets their chance to shine and display their proficiency. Enjoy their collective musicianship and teamwork!
Click 'Track EPK' for 'one-sheet', audio files, and more!

Lester Leaps In
Released 8 Jan 2021
Jazz gospel group Jonny & the Jazzuits bring a relaxing new jazzy version of this classic song - their take on the 60s hit from Sebastian Temple that will surely help us all be a blessing to others in these challenging times! Enjoy and be blessed!
Click 'Track EPK' for 'one-sheet', audio files, and more!

Make Me a Channel
of Your Peace
Released 11 Dec 2020
Jazz gospel group Jonny & the Jazzuits have teamed up with lyricist Jude Meritus to bring a refreshing new version of the all-time classic jazz standard. As always, this band of brothers make a joyful noice unto the Lord that will surely lift your spirits! Many blessings!
Click 'Track EPK' for 'one-sheet', audio files, and more!

When The Saints Go
Marching In